Title Size
PB-18-029 - Chief Exeutive's Report 0.21 MB
PB-18-031 - Clinical and Quality Strategy 2018-2020 final 0.67 MB
PB-18-032 - Record of Business - Quality and Governance Committee - 08.02.2018 0.14 MB
PB-18-033 - Sustainability and Transformation Plans 0.43 MB
PB-18-034 - Integrated Board Report 0.67 MB
PB-18-035 - Derbyshire Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service Update 0.51 MB
PB-18-036 - Record of Business - Workforce Committee - 25.01.18 0.21 MB
PB-18-037 - Record of Business - Finance and Performance Committee - 25.01.2018 and 15.02.2018 0.24 MB
PB-18-038 - Financial Performance Month Ten - January 2018 0.62 MB
PB-18-039 - Record of Business - Charitable Funds Board of Trustees 0.13 MB
PB-18-040 - Trust Secretary Report 0.45 MB
PB-18-041 - Board Assurance Framework 0.67 MB
Ref Doc 01-01 - Minutes - Finance and Performance Committee - 27 September 2017 - Approved 0.27 MB
Ref Doc 01-02 - Minutes - Audit Committee - 28 September 2017 - Unapproved 0.30 MB
Ref Doc 01-03 - Minutes - Workforce Committee - 23 October 2017 - Approved 0.35 MB
Ref Doc 01-04 - Minutes - Finance and Performance Committee - 25 October 2017 - Approved 0.29 MB
Ref Doc 01-05 - Minutes - Quality and Governance Committee - 16 November 2017 - Approved 0.29 MB
Ref Doc 01-06 - Minutes - Finance and Performance Committee - 22 November 2017 - Approved 0.29 MB
Ref Doc 01-07 - Minutes - Workforce Committee - 30 November 2017 - Unapproved 0.37 MB
Ref Doc 03-01 - Derbyshire Sustainability and Transformation Plan 1.95 MB