Title Size
PB-20-083 - Record of Business - Quality and Governance Committee - 19.05.2020 0.11 MB
PB-20-084 - Record of Business - Finance and Performance Committee - 28.04.2020 0.11 MB
PB-20-085 - Record of Business - Audit Committee - 12.05.2020 0.11 MB
PB-20-086 - Board Assurance Framework 0.43 MB
PB-20-087 - Governance Report 3.24 MB
PB-20-092 - Minutes of the previous meeting - 2 June 2020 0.16 MB
PB-20-093 - Matters Arising Action Log 0.13 MB
PB-20-095 - Chief Executive's Report 0.81 MB
PB-20-096 - Staff Opinion Survey 2019 3.70 MB
PB-20-097 - WRES briefing for boards and COVID-19 EPRR membership in the NHS 0.65 MB
PB-20-097.1 - Supplementary Paper - Letter to CEOs and Chairs - Supporting our BAME Colleagues 0.11 MB
PB-20-098 - Record of Business - Quality and Governance Committee - 23 June 2020 0.12 MB
PB-20-099 - Record of Business - Finance and Performance Committee - 26 May 2020 0.11 MB
PB-20-58 - Governance Report 0.14 MB
PB-21-010 - Prolonged Wait Harm Review Report 0.21 MB
PB-21-011 - Record of Business - Quality and Governance Committee - 17.11.2020 and 22.12.2020 0.15 MB
PB-21-012 - Record of Business - Finance and Performance Committee - 27.10.2020 24.11.2020 and 22.12.2020 0.15 MB
PB-21-013 - Record of Business - Audit Committee - 15.12.2020 0.10 MB
PB-21-014 - Record of Business - Workforce Committee - 24.11.2020 0.11 MB
PB-21-015 - Fuel Card and Associated Services Contract Extension 0.12 MB