An expectant mother feared the worst when she hit gridlock traffic while in labour on the way to hospital.
Vicky Gilson, 32 and her husband Darrel were expecting their third baby when things started happening quickly on July 21.
While on route to Kettering General Hospital the family got stuck on the A14 due to a series collision further up the road and they were fearful that they would give birth on the roadside.
Time was of the essence as Vicky knew her baby’s arrival was imminent. She said: “I remember screaming fearing that I would give birth on a slip road. My husband was on the phone to the ambulance service and I just kept thinking, the car is filthy someone needs to catch my baby.”
Carolyn Martin and Sharon Horne, Ambulance Technicians arrived just in time and were able to find Vicky, get her onto the ambulance and minutes later baby Isaac was born. Seven weeks later, the crew were reunited with Isaac and thanked by his parents for being 'heros'.
"They will always be a special part of our memories" Vicky added. “The ladies were so lovely, they kept me calm and remained so professional. Isaac had the cord around his neck when he arrived and they swiftly sorted him out and placed him on my chest while we travelled to hospital. I hate to think what could have happened if they weren’t there for me and our family.
“It was so lovely to see them again and say thank you. Their involvement in our lives has meant Isaac arrived safely and our family will forever be grateful.”