Teenager who suffered cardiac arrest thanks ambulance crews who saved his life
5 June 2017Kush Mehta, 14, went into cardiac arrest when he became trapped in a metal gate. He has now been reunited with the ambulance crews who came to his rescue and saved his life.
EMAS apprentice rubs shoulders with royalty and receives two awards
5 June 2017Fiona is the first ever apprentice in our Medical Device Engineering team but has already won two awards and been to Buckingham Palace
Football match smashes target and raises £3,000 for cancer charity
2 June 2017Two colleagues who organised a football match in Eastwood have been blown away by the reponse for the second year running.
Grandfather who choked on Sunday dinner thanks 999 call handler who saved his life
2 June 2017A pensioner who choked on his Sunday roast at a restaurant in Nottingham has thanked the EMAS 999 call handler who saved his life by providing instructions over the phone.