Planning, prioritisation and professionalism
10 December 2017Today has been a challenge for EMAS yet our plans, and on-going commitment, dedication and professionalism from our frontline colleagues, have enabled us to provide the best possible service to patients despite the snow conditions Together with other emergency services we are concerned about the ice that will form overnight. History tells us that we will see an increase in slips, falls and road traffic collisions. Please take extra care if you have to be out and about tonight or in the morning.
Plunging temperatures, snow and ice
9 December 2017Overnight and tomorrow morning we are expecting a significant amount of snow to fall across much of the East Midlands. Poor driving conditions make our job much harder and we ask that you follow the advice given by emergency services, councils and other agencies.
EMAS provides medical cover at Lincoln Christmas Market
8 December 2017EMAS provides medical cover at Lincoln Christmas Market
Unexpected delivery in Nottingham Co-op car park
5 December 2017A baby boy who was delivered in the front seat of his mum's car in a Co-op car park has been reunited with the ambulance crew who helped to bring him into the world.
Paramedics help Santa grant Christmas wishes
4 December 2017Ambulance staff from Nottingham have provided medical cover on a magical trip with When You Wish Upon a Star