New partnership will help save more lives across the East Midlands
27 June 2017We're the first ambulance service outside of London to partner with GoodSAM
Paramedic volunteers to provide trauma care in the armed forces
26 June 2017A paramedic from Lincolnshire talks about his role as a Medic Reserve
Coma patient reunited with ambulance crews who helped save her life
26 June 2017Cathy Cook began struggling to breathe at home in Mansfield so her husband called 999. She was so ill she had to be put into an induced coma for 19 days.
EMAS Paramedic will lead the way in child pain management
23 June 2017EMAS Paramedic will lead the way in child pain management
As temperatures rise so does the number of 999 calls
20 June 2017We have seen a surge in the number of 999, urgent and emergency calls over the past few days. Please enjoy the sunshine safely.