Ambulance triage nurse bids farewell to EMAS after a lifetime in the NHS
30 March 2017Jean Pasricha joined EMAS in 2004 and has provided medical support over the phone to hundreds of people who have called 999.
Shortlisting for national flu fighter award
27 March 2017Community Paramedic Tracy Cunningham has been shortlisted for the national flu fighter champion award
Family of patient present Community First Responder with cheque in her memory
24 March 2017Newark CFR volunteer is thanked for being 'compassionate'
EMAS paramedic awarded 'Mentor of the Year' by NHS England
23 March 2017Congratulations to Carl Keeble, one of our EMAS paramedics has been awarded 'Mentor of the Year' by NHS England
Ever considered a career in the ambulance service?
21 March 2017We are holding a frontline recruitment taster session in Mansfield