Date published: 5 March 2019

The second in the new series of short animations looks at the ‘develop’ element of The Big 3. 

During 2018, we engaged with staff, and organisations and individuals with an interest in our services, to create The Big 3: Respond | Develop | Collaborate – a summary of EMAS’ refreshed vision, strategic objectives and organisational values.

Everyone at EMAS has a part to play in the development of services and colleagues are helping us to tell our Big 3 story through a new series of short animations created to support our staff engagement and involvement programme. 

We’re also using augmented reality technology to literally bring our Big 3 posters to life.

Whilst the primary target audience for the animations is EMAS staff, the short films are being broadcast via EMAS social media accounts and will be used at appropriate meetings and events in the community where the topic featured will be of interest to people in attendance. 


We will develop our organisation to become outstanding for patients and staff.
We will know we have achieved this when:

  • Our patients report consistently high levels of satisfaction
  • Our staff and volunteers report that they are proud to work for EMAS
  • Our workforce is healthy, engaged, supported and satisfied, and everyone exemplifies the EMAS values in all that we do
  • Our staff and volunteers can access opportunities, education and training to support their career development
  • We have realised benefits through ensuring we operate a modern and sustainable estate
  • We are consistently delivering the Ambulance System Indicators, including patient quality measures
  • We have achieved a Care Quality Commission rating of ‘outstanding’ and are consistently meeting our financial targets

Develop means 'to grow or change into a more advanced, larger or stronger form'. Thanks to the tremendous hard work, staff and patient feedback and engagement, commitment, innovation, and investment at EMAS, we have improved services for patients considerably over recent years, and our vision and strategy will see us develop EMAS to become outstanding for both patients and staff.