Hannah Pavitt, a seven year old from Wootton, dialled 999 in April when her older sister had stroke symptoms. Hannah remained calm while on the phone, gave her address and answered all of the questions she was asked; she even managed to lock the family dog away and keep her mum and sister calm.
To celebrate her bravery she was presented with a Laverick Award by paramedic Anya Donald, a Paramedic from Northampton North who is part of the Laverick Team. The award has been designed by our colleagues in Northamptonshire in memory of Nick Laverick, a Paramedic Team Leader who tragically lost his battle with cancer September 2013.
Anya said: “Nick always showed professionalism, courage and dignity, not only for his patients but himself particularly during the last few months of his life. He was not only a colleague but a friend to us all and we are honoured to be sharing his legacy through this award.”
You can nominate a child or young person who has done something selfless to help another by emailing the team.