On Monday 30 May, we welcomed Mr Michael Copestake, High Sheriff of Derbyshire, to Derby City Centre where he met with Will Legge, Director for Strategy and Transformation, Andy Magee Head of Operations for Derbyshire, and paramedic Tracy Cunningham to find out more about her outreach and community work.
Tracy and the High Sheriff started their tour at Safe Space and Milestone House in the city where Tracy bases herself throughout the week, providing support and healthcare advice to homeless and vulnerable people suffering with their mental health, drug addiction and historical abuse.
Following the visit to Safe Space and Milestone House, they then moved into the city centre where Mr Copestake was able to see first-hand the work Tracy does, the relationship she has built up with the rough sleepers in the city and how she supports those who need help. She also provides information on pathways to get them into accommodation and off the streets with the support of other services within Derbyshire.
The High Sheriff was keen to find out about the work Tracy does on a day-to-day basis, how she supports rough sleepers in the city, and what can be done to support them, including the important work which Safe Space and Milestone House do in the city.
He also heard from a number of people around the city who Tracy had supported and helped in their time of need, giving testament to the work that she does.
Mr Copestake, High Sheriff of Derbyshire said: "I cannot describe in words how impressive Tracy’s work is. She is an absolute saint and very down to earth and pragmatic".