Colleagues from across our Derbyshire division were recognised for their long service and outstanding contribution in a ceremony at The Whitworth Centre, Matlock on Wednesday 23 March.
Both frontline colleagues and Patient Transport Services (PTS) staff were recognised on the day with recipients clocking up an EMAZING 560 years of service between them.
On a day which coincided with the second anniversary of the nationwide lockdown, it was a chance for staff to be celebrated for their commitment to the NHS and EMAS, while also remembering the sacrifices they have made over the last two years throughout the pandemic.
EMAS Chief Executive Richard Henderson, Director of Operations Ben Holdaway, Acting Divisional Director for Derbyshire Craig Whyles and Head of PTS Joy Weldin presented the awards to the deserving recipients. They were also joined on the day by Director of Strategy and Transformation Will Legge and Non-Executive Director Karen Tomlinson.
Those recognised included:
Patient Transport Services:
20 years
Joy Weldin
Rob Gee
Angela Woolnough
Frontline colleagues:
20 years
Mark Bail
Amanda Newman-Bail
Stevan Hinde
Dave Brearley
Craig Whyles
Samantha Westwell
Kate Brown
Sally-Ann Ellse
Amanda Edson
Gary Bennett
Angela Brewell
Lesley Frogson
Adam Brown
Javid Hanif
Stephen Holt
Clare Worgan
Hannah Tuxford
30 years
Karen Darke
Karen Booker
Andy Magee
Jeremy White
40 years
Tom Bailey
As part of the day’s events along with funny anecdotes and highlights of careers, a special message was played to staff from Divisional Director Tim Slater who couldn’t be there on the day, thanking staff for their continued commitment to EMAS and the NHS and congratulating them.
Craig Whyles, Acting Divisional Director for Derbyshire also thanked staff on the day.
Congratulations to all who received recognition for their achievements.