Date published: 9 September 2020

A picture from the flag raising ceremony that took place outside the South Kesteven District Council offices. To the far right of the flag is Ambulance Operations Manager for the Lincolnshire Division if EMAS, Richard Hunter.

Emergency Services Day (also known as 999 Day) is a Government backed national day across the UK that promotes the work of the emergency services, promotes using the emergency services responsibly, educates the public about basic lifesaving skills, and promotes the many career and volunteering opportunities available.

At 9am on 9 September 2020 South Kesteven District Council hosted a flag raising ceremony of the Emergency Services flag which was followed by a few minutes of silence.

Ambulance Operations Manager for the Lincolnshire Division of EMAS, Richard Hunter said: “It has been a challenging year for the ambulance service and we are incredibly proud of our frontline colleagues who have continued to provide fantastic levels of care to our patients during these unprecedented times.

“Our skilled and dedicated clinicians respond to patients 24 hours a day, 365 days a year so it is lovely that there is a specific day set aside to formally recognise their hard work.”

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Vruthi Patel is one of our ambulance technicians and she gives us a glimpse into what her job entails and what made her want to work for the emergency services.

She said: I respond to patients out in the community, giving care and providing medical treatment as required.

“No two days in my job are ever the same. I never know what I will be facing but I love helping people and making a difference to their lives.

“Sometimes a patient does not need to go to the hospital and I will access alternative pathways after an assessment – whether that is speaking with their GP, social services, or a Mental Health Nurse – so that the patient receives the right help they need first-time.

“What made me realise that I wanted to work for the ambulance service was while I did an observation shift with a crew out on the road when I was working as an Emergency Department Assistant in A&E.

“I love that I am usually the first person at the scene of an incident and can provide that one to one care with the patient that is in front of me. I can devote my time and attention to them in that moment.

“I am proud to say that I work at EMAS and the NHS in general because I know that I am making a crucial difference in people’s lives, especially for patients who are feeling suicidal and suffering terribly with their mental health.

“I feel privileged to work for an organisation that has an open culture where I feel I can talk honestly about how I am feeling, particularly after a difficult call-out, with my crew mate, other colleagues or my managers.

“Being able to support and help each other is what helps all of us to continue to provide support for our patients.”