The theme of this year's International Paramedics Day (8 July 2024) is 'The Difference We Make'.
International Paramedics Day is hosted by the College of Paramedics and is aimed at celebrating paramedics and first responders and promoting the role.
Paramedic James Durham is part of our Lincolnshire division but travelled all the way from Australia to help make a difference to our patients. He has shared his experience with us.
"G’day everyone my name is James but I'm commonly known as Wombat to my friends and the crews I work with.
"Being from Australia and working with EMAS has been without a doubt the most challenging but also most rewarding experience I have ever had. Taking this massive leap to move across the world has had its challenges; from simple things such as getting bank accounts and even a phone plan organised, to much more significant challenges like leaving my life behind in rural Australia and everything I knew.
"Luckily coming to such a welcoming community such as EMAS has made my transition such an amicable adventure. Everyone I have interacted with at EMAS has made me feel welcomed, leading me to promote the challenge of moving across the world to other paramedics. Being a part of such a friendly organisation has truly allowed me to settle well within the United Kingdom, socially and professionally. I can’t thank EMAS enough for the opportunity it has given me with this truly wild adventure."
Thank you to all our frontline colleagues for your continued dedication to caring for the patients in our communities.