Date published: 2 September 2020

Chair Pauline Tagg MBE, and Chief Executive Richard Henderson, warmly invite you to attend our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 9 September 2020 at 12.00 to 13.00.

This year, due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the event will be hosted online via Microsoft Teams.  

To join the meeting, please use this Microsoft Teams Live Event link just before 12pm on Wednesday 9 September. 

We are aware some people may be experiencing issues with joining via this link. If you experience this issue, please email and we will send a link to you immediately. 

The meeting gives you an opportunity to hear about the work of East Midlands Ambulance Service during 2019/2020. We will highlight some of our achievements, challenges, and developments during the year, including our response to COVID-19, and will give an overview of the financial position from 2019/2020.

Meeting agenda:

  • 12.00 Introduction from Chair Pauline Tagg MBE, and Chief Executive Richard Henderson
  • 12.10 Updates from Director of Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Nichola Bramhall, Deputy Director of Finance Pen Andersen, and Director of Strategy and Transformation Will Legge.
  • 12.30 Your questions

When joining the event, please note:  

  • You will be able to see and hear us, but we won't be able to see and hear you - Microsoft Teams Live Event means your microphone will be automatically muted and your camera will not be in use.
  • You can post questions or feedback via the Q&A chat function, and these will be published as the meeting is underway, allowing us to respond to as many as possible during the event.
  • If you experience technical problems during the live event, be assured that a video recording of the meeting will be published on our website.
  • Make sure your volume is turned up so you can hear the presenters.

If you plan to join us for the live meeting, that'd be great to hear - please email your name, job title and place of work (if representing an organisation), including the county you live/work in, to 

There will be an opportunity after the presentations to post questions via the chat function on Microsoft Teams, however if you would prefer to email your question prior to the live event, please send it to