Date published: 26 October 2023



One of our Derbyshire Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service (NEPTS) crews was joined by MP Lee Rowley for an observation shift earlier this month.

The observation shift began at the Heath Ambulance Station in Chesterfield where the MP, pictured above second right, was joined by NEPTS Clinical Lead Jennifer Revill (far left), Patient Care Assistant Tony Jackson (second left) and Stephen Peters (far right).

The aim was to help Mr Rowley understand more about the service through a patient transport experience, including where patients need to get to and from their healthcare appointments, discharge from hospital or hospital transfers. During the shift Mr Rowley learned more about the eligibility criteria of the service, mobility condition of the patients, booking process and the ambulance equipment. He also noted some positive feedback on our service and had a chat with the patients.

He said after the shift: "A huge thanks to everyone at NEPTS for letting me join them for a few hours in October.  As an MP, it is really important that I can experience, even in a small way, all of the great work that public servants do every single day for local residents.
"Having the opportunity to speak with the team, and to see what they do on a daily basis, was hugely helpful to understand more about NEPTS and the hugely important service it provides for those in need in our community. Thank you again!"

Lee Rowley is the MP for North East Derbyshire and has been an MP continuously since June 2017. He currently holds the Government post of Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities).