Colleagues from our Lincolnshire Division came together last week to celebrate long and outstanding service.
Chief Executive Richard Henderson opened the event by stating it was a real privilege to recognise the contributions of colleagues at the event.
Ahead of each presentation individual citations, written by station managers and heads of operations, were read out by Director of Operations Ben Holdaway and Divisional Director for Lincolnshire Sue Cousland.
Awards were presented to:
10 years’ service
Ami Priestley
Andrea Kirk
Beth Humphries
Clare Macdonald
Colin Little
Dan Oakley
Gale Godfrey
Heather Riches
Jamie Huntington
Jordan Rawlings
Josh Oliver
Leah Williams
Marc Hollingshead
Melissa Farrell
Melissa Morris
Michael Parton
Rafal Kusmierski
Sean Jones
Sophie Smith
Stuart Green
Tomas Picha
20 years’ service
Louise Gamble
Lucy Fairbrother
Michelle Fields
30 years’ service
Daron Horne
Jim Dennis
Julie Mason
Mally Appleton
Michael Cooksley
Tracy Clifton
Andy Barsley
Cheryl Smith
Divisional Director for Lincolnshire, Sue Cousland, shared details about a new award presented at the event:
“David Alderson is fondly remembered as a compassionate, diligent and kind person who always had time for anyone. His worth ethic was fundamental, working together with those around him to benefit the people in our society who needed it most.
“Intrinsic to his memory, Dave’s passion and motivation for doing the right thing, is something not only to admire; but to strive for throughout every avenue of life. A person that worked hard – not for any commendation, recognition or award, but simply, because he wanted to.
“The person who receives this award is recognised for displaying these qualities, which were integral to Dave and the person that he was. It was a pleasure to have Dave’s wife, Penny, and his daughter, Alex, at the event to present the award to Kim Withers.”
Director of Operations, Ben Holdaway, said:
“It’s important to recognise the great work our colleagues do day in, day out, especially after such the hard winter that we’ve had, just to spend a few hours with colleagues who have given up such a large proportion of their working time with EMAS. The time spent with them at this event is invaluable. In the room we had staff totalling over 400 years’ service, which is amazing. The difference they will have made to so many people’s lives is immeasurable, so it’s good to spend time chatting with them about their great service and recognising the great work they do every single day.”
The celebratory event took place at Doddington Hall, Lincolnshire, on Thursday 6 March.
Congratulations to all who received an award at the event.
Staff recognition events take place across all of our Operational divisions, Emergency Operations Centres, Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services, and Corporate Services.