Richard Henderson, Chief Executive of East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust said:
“After a request from the family, this afternoon I met with Harry Dunn’s parents to offer my sincere condolences on the death of their 19-year-old son.
“I wanted to take the opportunity to hear from the family at this stage, whilst recognising the complexities and sensitivities of ongoing external legal investigations.
“I understand that this is a very difficult time for the family and I therefore appreciate the time I had with them.
“In due course there will be a Coroner’s inquest into the death of Harry Dunn and EMAS will cooperate fully with that inquiry.
“I have committed to discuss the issues arising with local health leaders in Northamptonshire together with Harry’s parents.”
Note: the family have agreed that the detail below can be shared with media.
Additional information:
- EMAS received the emergency call at 20.25 on Tuesday, 27 August 2019.
- The caller reported that there had been a road traffic collision between a motorbike and a car on the B4031 near Croughton.
- At the meeting we were able to assure the family that the nearest available ambulance resource was sent to Harry. He was reported to be conscious and breathing, and the call was therefore recorded as a category 2 call. The national NHS England Ambulance Response Programme states that category 2 calls should be responded to at least 9 out of 10 times before 40 minutes.
- EMAS control worked to obtain the location and other incident details and dispatched the first available resource, a doctor in a car, within two minutes of the call being received.
- The road traffic collision happened in a rural location on the border of Northamptonshire and Oxfordshire, and we worked together with our colleagues at South Central Ambulance Service to respond.
- Call timeline:
a) Call came in at 20.25 on Tuesday 27 August 2019.
b) Ambulance resources dispatched, the first at 20.27.
c) A doctor in a car arrived on scene 21.06, 41 minutes after the start of the 999 call.
d) A double crewed ambulance arrived on scene at 21.08, 43 minutes after the start of the 999 call.
e) Harry received significant treatment on scene from highly skilled clinicians.
f) At 21.58, the ambulance left the scene to take Harry to the nearest Major Trauma Centre at the John Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford.
g) The ambulance crew recorded a hospital arrival time of 22.27.