Date published: 31 January 2020

Toby Sanders, Chief Executive for the Northamptonshire Clinical Commissioning Groups, and Richard Henderson, Chief Executive for East Midlands Ambulance Service said:

"We welcomed the opportunity to meet with Harry Dunn’s family and the Justice4Harry adviser and spokesperson on Thursday, 30 January 2020.

"The discussions were productive; we talked about the pressures the healthcare system is currently facing, the additional local finance that has been invested into the ambulance service this year, public information around the use of NHS services, and how the wider health and social care system is working together to become more integrated in the future.

"We have agreed to work with the family to build on our local public information campaigns around supporting the choices people can make when they need NHS care.

"The family were encouraged and welcomed the work we shared around the local integration of health and care services and we agreed to keep them updated as this work progresses."


Additional notes:

  • Northamptonshire CCGs have invested an additional £4 million (18%) this year into the East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS) to help support improvements, including recruiting to the frontline.
  • To respond to the growing demand and other pressures, over the last 12 months more than 300 clinical staff and 999 call handlers were recruited as well as new additional ambulances. As a result, EMAS is now delivering faster average response times for category 1 calls than two years ago.