Profits raised at an emergency services day in Scunthorpe has helped us buy life-saving equipment for local communities.
The annual Rescue Day was held in July at 7 Lakes Country Park in Crowle to showcase joint working between emergency and rescue services.
Profits from Rescue Day 2017 have paid for eight Automated External Defibrillators (AED’s) for the North Lincolnshire community and a Lucas Device for our Clinical Operations Manager’s Fast Response Vehicle which operates within the North Lincolnshire Area.
When someone goes into cardiac arrest and their heart stops beating their chances of survival increases with early Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), access to a defibrillator and medical intervention. Therefore, these eight new AEDs will save lives in the communities.
North Lincolnshire already has an extensive network of public access defibrillators which are available to the public 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When a 999 call is made, if the patient is unconscious and not breathing but within a 500m radius of a registered defibrillator, the caller will be directed to the defibrillator cabinet and given a code to access the machine.
The AED machine provides voice prompts and instructions to the user and can be operated by anybody, even with no training.
The Lucas is a mechanical CPR device that regulates and provides perfect chest compressions at the correct rhythm and depth. The machine attaches to the patient and allows our staff on scene to provide advanced clinical life support whilst maintaining chest compressions to. Chest compressions keep oxygenated blood circulating the patient’s brain and vital organs.
Chris Long, Rescue Day Event Director and Duty Operations Manager for Lincolnshire said:
“Rescue Day is a non-profit making event where all contributions from the public are put back into the local community.
“This year it has been fantastic to be able to provide a Lucas device to EMAS and the people of North Lincolnshire as well as increasing our community public access defibrillators within the area.”
To keep up to date on Rescue Day and the plans for 2018 please follow them on twitter @Rescue_Day or visit their website.