Date published: 12 May 2017

Two members of our Research Team have received prestigious awards this week at the College of Paramedics National Conference, held at St Johns Hotel in Solihull.

Anne Spaight, Head of Clinical Governance, Audit and Research, was awarded an honorary fellowship from the College of Paramedics in recognition of her commitment to the development of the paramedic profession by contributing to the field of out of hospital and pre-hospital research.

Anne was nominated by Consultant Paramedics Andy Swinburn, Ian Mursell and Clinical Development Lead John Chippendale.

Anne said: “It is more than an honour to receive this award, and more so for my own colleagues to believe I am worthy of a fellowship”

This award is more prestigious for Anne as she is not a registered paramedic; she is and still practices as a Chartered Physiotherapist registered with the Health and Care Professions Council.

Greg Whitley, Research Paramedic received the ‘Golden Nugget’ award at the National Conference.

The British Paramedic Journal nominated the top five articles from 12 months of published journals. Greg was shortlisted to present a 12 minute presentation on his article about child pain management in the ambulance service.

Greg won 1st prize which also includes prize money to pay towards attending an international conference.

A huge congratulations to both Anne and Greg #PrideinEMAS