Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn and Member of Parliament Karen Lee have visited East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS) Lincolnshire headquarters today.
Richard Hunter, EMAS Paramedic and Ambulance Operations Manager said: “Karen recently spent time out on the road with one of our ambulance crews to observe how we care for our patients. She was very impressed with their professionalism, and wanted to invite Jeremy to experience for himself the great work that the whole team is doing at EMAS.
“We are delighted that Jeremy accepted the offer, and it was a pleasure to welcome them both to our Lincolnshire headquarters this morning.”
David Williams, General Manager for Lincolnshire said: “The visit started with a conversation about the pressures we have been experiencing over recent months and Jeremy was very complimentary and supportive of the way we have approached this incredibly busy time. He thanked all staff for their dedication and hard work.”
Jeremy and Karen met with Lincoln Ambulance Station Paramedic Andrew Henderson, and heard about his experiences responding to emergency 999 calls from people across the Lincolnshire county.
They visited our Emergency Operations Centre where 999 ambulance calls are received and responded to. On average a new call is received every 34 seconds. In-between calls Jeremy and Karen spoke with colleagues working in the centre.

An Emergency Medical Dispatcher training session was observed to help us highlight the vital control centre service provided by colleagues. Training today focused on 999 emergency calls relating to women in childbirth. Upon completion of the course later this week, our new colleagues will begin their career in the Emergency Operations Centre and Jeremy took the opportunity to wish them all the very best.
“Jeremy was very complimentary about what he had experienced during his visit and said it had been an absolute pleasure to spend time with a team that are so dedicated to their work, and who create such a positive atmosphere,” added David. “This morning has given us all an opportunity to be very proud of what we do, and I am grateful to my colleagues for supporting the visit. I extend my thanks to Jeremy and Karen for taking time out of their very busy day to hear about life on the frontline.”