Date published: 21 December 2017

A specialist vehicle staffed by police officers and paramedics is operating in the Leicester City Centre over the festive period to help keep people safe on nights out.

Leicestershire Police and East Midlands Ambulance Service are using the POLAMB to deliver a joint response both treating people who are injured and undertaking immediate investigative enquiries at the scene of incidents.

It is part of a multi-agency campaign being launched to reduce alcohol-fuelled violence over the Christmas and New Year period.

The POLAMB, which will be staffed by a paramedic and a police officer, will be in Leicester city centre over the weekends in the run up to Christmas and over Christmas and New Year from 9pm until 5am. A mobile treatment centre will also be situated near the clock tower in the city centre. This provides two treatment areas and will be crewed by a paramedic and a technician.

Ambulance Operations Manager, Lee Brentnall said:  “East Midlands Ambulance Service and Leicestershire Police have always worked in partnership to make the night time safer. This year we are focusing on violent crime. We want people to enjoy their night out knowing that we will be in the city making them safe.”

Posters will also be on display across the Leicestershire area throughout the campaign period reminding people of the potential dangers of excessive drinking alongside the message: “Don’t give yourself more than just a hangover”.

The scheme is being part funded through the Strategic Partnership Development Fund under the Leicester Nightlife Initiative project. The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner has commissioned the project with Leicester City Council.